The Office Professional : Personal Attributes
Some professionals stand out from others as special. Your personal attributes set you apart and make you different from others.
1. Professional Attitude
1.1 Refers to a devoted attention to the Job so that it is performed as completely, efficiently, and cheerfully as possible.
1.2 Excellent team worker, pleasant and cooperative, enthusiastic, and interested in the work.
1.3 Avoids complaining
1.4 Not moody tries to be agreeable most of the time.
1.5 Accepts suggestions and supervision well.
1.6 Complies with office rules and regulations.
2. Ethical Behavior
2.1 Possesses the strength of character to do what is right regardless of the outcomes.
2.2 Refuses to engage in office politics ("who you know") but holds on to one's value system.
2.3 Strictly observes office hours, does not watch the clock; does not disappear frequently.
2.4 Accepts responsibilities; does not attempt to pass the blame to others for errors or shortcomings.
2.5 Maintains honesty and integrity (company supplies/equipment never taken for personal use)
2.6 Respects the privacy of others.
3. Loyalty
3.1 Trustworthy; handles sensitive information and keeps silent about confidential information.
3.2 Understands the objectives of management and defends them if need be.
3.3 Supports the executive and his ideas, decisions, projects, or programs.
3.4 Keeps company affairs to himself, does not discuss with others anything that might discredit the executive or the company.
3.5 Cost conscious; uses company supplies wisely.
3.6 Committed to quality work on all occasions.
3.7 Willing to exert extra effort or make personal sacrifices when needed.
4. Flexibility
4.1 Turns out good work under unusual circumstances or in a new environment.
4.2 Responds to sudden changes in instructions.
4.3 Tackles jobs that have not been done before.
4.4 Shows alertness and intelligence.
4.5 Learns job requirements quickly.
5. Self-Esteem
5.1 Has a long belief on one's self, one's competence, one's worth.
5.2 Radiates inner peace; displays confidence.
5.3 Acts decisively in pressure situations.
5.4 Highly motivated to improve job performance.
5.5 Not defensive, critical, or uncooperative.
5.6 Has excellent ability to concentrate on intellectual endeavors,.
5.7 Focuses more one accomplishments rather than on failures.
6. Tact and Diplomacy
6.1 Possesses a sensitive perception of the right thing to say or do.
6.2 Listens, speaks, and acts, in a manner appropriate to the situation.
6.3 Avoids upsetting anyone because of careless or offending words.
6.7 Emphasizes the positive rather than negative traits of others.
6.8 Suggests rather than command; requests rather than demand.
2.4 Accepts responsibilities; does not attempt to pass the blame to others for errors or shortcomings.
2.5 Maintains honesty and integrity (company supplies/equipment never taken for personal use)
2.6 Respects the privacy of others.
3. Loyalty
3.1 Trustworthy; handles sensitive information and keeps silent about confidential information.
3.2 Understands the objectives of management and defends them if need be.
3.3 Supports the executive and his ideas, decisions, projects, or programs.
3.4 Keeps company affairs to himself, does not discuss with others anything that might discredit the executive or the company.
3.5 Cost conscious; uses company supplies wisely.
3.6 Committed to quality work on all occasions.
3.7 Willing to exert extra effort or make personal sacrifices when needed.
4. Flexibility
4.1 Turns out good work under unusual circumstances or in a new environment.
4.2 Responds to sudden changes in instructions.
4.3 Tackles jobs that have not been done before.
4.4 Shows alertness and intelligence.
4.5 Learns job requirements quickly.
5. Self-Esteem
5.1 Has a long belief on one's self, one's competence, one's worth.
5.2 Radiates inner peace; displays confidence.
5.3 Acts decisively in pressure situations.
5.4 Highly motivated to improve job performance.
5.5 Not defensive, critical, or uncooperative.
5.6 Has excellent ability to concentrate on intellectual endeavors,.
5.7 Focuses more one accomplishments rather than on failures.
6. Tact and Diplomacy
6.1 Possesses a sensitive perception of the right thing to say or do.
6.2 Listens, speaks, and acts, in a manner appropriate to the situation.
6.3 Avoids upsetting anyone because of careless or offending words.
6.7 Emphasizes the positive rather than negative traits of others.
6.8 Suggests rather than command; requests rather than demand.
The Administrative Professionals in the Global Office, Lilia A. Alegre, Milagrina A. Gomez, Concepcion B. Mapa, & Zaida R. Lopez
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